Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Writer's Block

I always believed I would be a writer growing up, but I ended up being a promotional/marketing consultant. And I love my job, don't get me wrong. But the little writer lives inside and although I'm the world's worst person at keeping a journal, I'm attempting to blog in order to write a little and not lose all of the journalism training I received.

Maybe I'll also give mini french essays so I won't forget what my college major either...that's rather unlikely but don't be surprised to see little french words and sayings pop up here and there.

I think I've been cursed the entirety of my life with writer's block. Or maybe it's just writer's blahs. I'm an avid reader and I'm usually so overwhelmed by the creative ideas and crafted characters that mine usually feel washed up and unimportant. So for the 7000th time, I delete the story from my computer and move on. At least here we're not waiting for the major development of any plot or character.

The only thing developing on this page will hopefully be me and my errant dog, Cooper. Life with Coop has certainly changed my priorities and my time and is quickly forcing me to give up on certain things- for instance, his hair is everywhere. I tend to be a really clean person and although it goes against house policy, Cooper sheds on everything. My work clothes, my couch, my floor, and I swear I found his hair in a shoebox that had not been opened since I got him four months ago. On the flip side, he does give me a whole new slew of things to write about and honestly makes me question my sanity at least once a week.

Nothing like a new baby to keep you on your toes.

I'll sound off on a thought about Governer Blagojevich from Illinois. In reading the msnbc article (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28139155/?GT1=43001) I really have to question how he possibly thought that he wouldn't get caught trying to sell the senatorial seat in the heat of other ongoing investigations and allegations. In addition, his thought that if he took that senatorial seat himself he could campaign in 2016 for presidency and not have this scandal drug up then is beyond ridiculous. For many people, there are not many gracious words to describe the depth of their idiocy and I belive that principle applies here.

A bientot!


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