Monday, August 2, 2010

Three Dog Pack and Saying Farewell to Friends

Dogs understand so much more than we give them credit for.

Example: when we were looking after Winston, the Greyhound, the boys knew right away when he was leaving. I know we had talked it up to Winston that he was headed home soon, but as soon as Pete saw his owners coming down the street, even though he'd never met them, he knew.

And he was pissed. Pete is a dog with a strong pack drive. Winston was now a part of his pack and he was so upset that anyone would dare take a member of his pack away. He barked and howled the whole time.

When Sammy boy comes to stay with us, they know immediately when Sammy is leaving to go back to Pops house.

It's sweet, but it's also really tough. When we leave the boys alone the first few times after the three dog pack returns to two dogs, they act up. They chew things they shouldn't.they poop in the house. They are despondent for a few days and usually clinging to us.

For the last month, our friend Emily was staying in the apartment next door while she geared up to move her life out to LA, including her one year old standard poodle Caesar. Coop, Pete and Caes have been buddies from the get-go, and in the last month or so, the pack mentality was completely solidified. They ran in the field together, they played on the back porch together, they sniffed under each others doors and they had slumber parties together.

But this past Friday, it was time for Caesar and Emily to hit the road for LA. John and I were leaving for Vegas before then, so we said our goodbyes early, we knew it was more of a see you later thing because we were sure to visit LA to see her sometime again. But for Caes and the boys, it was a true goodbye. Caes is unlikely to fly back and we are unlikely to fly the boys there, so it was one member of their new pack officially gone.

The minute we walked back into our house with the boys after Vegas, they knew he was gone. His scent was missing and there reaction was so sad. Pete groaned a little and whined at our door to check out the hallway so he could really look for Caes. When they came to terms with him leaving, they just got lazy and sad. Heck, the last time Caes slept over for a few days and then went back home, they boys chewed a keyless entry remote for John's car and pooped on the floor, twice!

So far, no damage, but I know they know that Caes is gone for good and their three dog pack is back to two.

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